Neliar's Character Page
Stalking Shanel

Main Hall Balcony
You stand upon the runnershoe balcony of the Main Hall, from which doorways open into the adjoining halls of the StarCraft living quarters. On the western wall stand the great doors of the observatory.
You see Tuvock and Chair here.
Shanel is here.

Neliar grins as he quietly stalks Nel.

Shanel wanders out of the dorm and through the hall in a daze. Having pretty much just woken up she isn't paying much attention to anybody and certain doesn't notice anyone behind her.

Neliar keeps himself as close as possible to the wall, watching Nel's every move! As quietly as he can he creeps closer.....He's been up for hours and he's really board!

Shanel walks to the Staircase.

You go to the StarCraft Main Hall.

StarCraft Main Hall
The vaulted Great Hall of StarCraft possesses a grandeur that belies its recent construction. Built to inspire the mind to look upward, smooth columns support the Gothic arches of the ceiling. The Hall runs on an East-West axis, with the heavy doors of the main office to the west. To the north and south other doors lead to various work areas. Staircases at the corners of the hall lead up to a balcony that wraps around the three sides of north, south, and west.
To the east, you see one person.
On the perch is Chakotay.
You see Lodestar and Simpli here.
Shanel is here.

Neliar walks quietly into the main hall. His back is still against the wall making as little noise and he can he closes the gap between him and Nel.

Shanel heads down the stairs, simply wandering. If she has a destination in mind it hasn't servased(sp?) yet. Why is she up this early? She didn't even get much sleep, and at the moment even a loud noise right in front of her wouldn't be noticed. Maybe the lake?

Shanel walks to the StarCraft Courtyard.

You go to the StarCraft Courtyard.

StarCraft Courtyard
Where the hills of Gar meet the softer plains of the valley, rock slowly turns to gravel, dust and earth, leaving a large natural courtyard tucked against the walls of the hall. A low wall marks a boundary for the courtyard, rock and earth's battle for domination kept outside of it. Strong doors set in the hill wall, provide a new way to get into the hall, long windows letting light into the otherwise quite dark hall. They look out upon a grassy valley, filled with water, vineyards and herdbeast. Trails formed by the feet of human wind around rocks and trees, trailing off into the wilderness.
It is an autumn sunrise.
Stretched out on the low wall are Venusnv and Nuage.
Shanel is here.

Shanel walks to the Gar Hold Field.

You go to the Hold Field.

Hold Field
You walk along a small path through a large open field. Tall billowing stalks of wheat blows back and forth in an almost hypnotic pattern. You hear the gentle laughter of small children playing one of hundreds of games, ringing from some distant part of the field, lost in the sheets of wheat. Some small patch calls out to you as you pass it, asking for you to join it in another day of doing nothing. It promises to hide you from the gaze of all others and keep you company. But to listen ... or go on ... a tough decision ....
The plants have turned brown for a winters rest, leaving the area in a state of slumber.
It is an autumn sunrise.
You see Gar Hold Herdbeasts and Star Consts here.
Shanel is here.

As Neliar follows Shanel he begins to wonder just where she is going this early in the morning. He hope she's not going to meet someone cause he doesn't want to get into trouble with some guy! He had enough problems with Iyan until they got that sorted out!

A guy? Yea, right. With Shanel you would have be rather obvious if you wanted her know you liked her, she's not likely to get it on her own. Finally having destination in mind Nel heads straight for it.

Shanel walks to the Crystal Lake.

You go to the Crystal Lake.

Crystal Lake
As you walk along the path, you find yourself near the center of the valley. Situated here, is Crystal Lake. This lake is named for its clarity. At nearly 100 feet, things can still be seen as if they were closer! Unfortunately, this is also a danger, as one has trouble gauging depth, so swimmers beware! A natural spring feeds the lake from underneath, keeping it a nice 80 degrees, even in the winter, though it can get much warmer in the summer. A large square has been set up a short distance for the shoreline.
It is an autumn sunrise.
On the perch are Nadmeni and Espero.
You see Rizza, Gar lake monster, Kiki, Rose, P'rru-In-A-Hole Bunny, and Meiyne here.
Shanel is here.

Shanel heads straight for the water. Diving in fully clothed, that'll wake her up quick.

Neliar creeps up towards Nel as she walks towards the lake. Should he push her in? will she ever speak to him again if he does? Who knows..... He decides to push her in anyway. He really does like her but he likes fun as well. He can always help to dry her!

"Eeeeee." Shanel falls straight into the water a little ahead of when she had planned. Sputtering to the surface Shanel turns to face whoever had done the pushing. She's not angry, but that doesn't the culprit gets to stay dry. "Neliar!" Him again. She remembers earlier teasing and wonders breifly if it could be true. Floundering up the shore Shanel grabs Neliar around the waist and throws herself backwards, "Your turn."

One minute Neliar is standing on the shore laughing at Nel's face, the next he "aaaghsss", as he finds himself sitting in the lake. Hummmm, this isn't quite what he planned. Oh well. Making the most of it he pushes his hand through the water sending a wave towards Shanel....

Shanel scrambles out of the way as Neliar comes crashing down. She turns, taking his splashing/wave in the side. Ducking under the water she swims in close enough to grab a foot and yank...

Neliar yelps and barely has time to get a lung full of air before he finds himself under the water again. Well that crafty little Nel. He tugs his foot away from her grasp and surfaces. Once he's got a good lung full of air he dives back down in search of her legs. "I'll get her for that." he chuckles. Finding his target he grabs a hold and pulls down....

Shanel wants her friends teasing to be true, but she has no idea how to go about finding out. All she knows for now is that Neliar at least likes her as a friend. Gasping as she's dragged under water yet again, Shanel's arms windmill in a vain attempt to stay upright. As she is goes under she grabs for nearest thing to hang on to....

Neliar kicks his leg away when he feels a hand grasping onto it. He releases his grip slightly giving her the chance to reach the surface. He then paddles slightly away from her to let her get her breathe back...

Shanel hits the surface gasping for air. She heads back to shore as fast as she can. Climbing up onto the sandy beach, shivering almost immediatly as the cool autumn air makes contact with her very wet skin. She looks down at her soaked clothing, then at Neliar, back at herself, and to Neliar once more. A broad, bright smile forms upon her lips and she begins to laugh.

Neliar watches as Nel scrambles out of the lake. Reluctantly he follows her not wanting to leave the lake, he starts shivering slightly in the cold breeze. He looks down at his rather wet clothes then looks at Nel with slightly more than friendly interest! He smiles as Nel begins to laugh and soon finds himself laughing along with her. At least she's not mad at him!

Shanel wiggles in her clinging wet clothes. Pink rushes up to fill her cheeks, she's never noticed that she had anything to show off like her older friends did. Bitting her lower, Nel wraps both arms around her shivering body. Looking up at Neliar, "I think, it was warmer in the water."

Neliar can't help it but his eyes are being drawn in as Nel shivers in her wet clothes. Blushing a rather deep shade of red he looks away not wanting her to catch him looking. "Maybe we should get back into the water for a little while?" just until it gets a little bit warmer, not to mention the fact he was having fun in the lake, being so close to her....

Shanel looks up at her friend, confusion in her features and questions in her eyes. Why's he blushing? Did she do something wrong? "Just no more dunking, okay?" She starts off towards the water but stops about half way to wait for Neliar.

Neliar nods his head in promise to Nel, well at least he'll /try/ not to dunk her any more! He follows her lead and almost walks into the back of her as she suddenly stops. He puts one hand out to steady himself, it lingering slightly longer than necessary on her back...

Shanel is a bit suprised at her reaction to his touch. She hadn't expected it to be that strong. She leans into the warmth of Neliars hand. Sighing softly as it leaves her back she wades into the water and sits where it reaches her shoulders.

Neliar can feel the heat of her skin burning through her tunic, warming his hand. He sighs softly as she moves away breaking the contact. He waits until she's in the water before following her in, floating close to her but not too close as he's still not too sure about her feeling for him......

Shanel watches as Neliar floats, close enough to touch. She likes to watch him, always a nice view, especially the other day in the vault..... She shakes her head to bring herself back to the present, and how close he is now. Shanel holds herself very still, unsure of what to do next. He may have to make the next move.

Neliar watches Shanel very closely has he finds himself drifting closer and closer towards her. As he circles his hands to help keep him afloat he inadvertently brushes one of Nels hands. He jolts his hand away as a surge of electric seems to runs through it. He's still unsure of how to proceed, he would like to make a move but he's never done this before!

Shanel jumps as Neliar floats closer and closer and touches her. Disappointment flashes through her eyes as he jerks back, maybe she was wrong. Turning her hand over so that it's palm up she lightly brushes her fingure tips over the back of his hand.

Neliar smiles as Shanel strokes the back of his hand. Maybe she /really/ does like him. He gently takes hold of her hand and ever so gently strokes a finger over it. "Shanel.." he almost whispers.

Shanel's eyes take in Neliar's face as if trying to memorize it. She is shaking slightly, weither it's with fright or anticipation or both even she can't say. Licking her lips nervously she leans in and kisses him on the lips. Shocked at herself she breaks contact and runs toward the hall. Turning back at the beach a smile can be seen curving her lips before she runs off.

Neliar feels like he is going to explode when Shanel kisses him, it's the most amazing sensation he's /ever/ experienced. His licks his lips slightly as if he can't quite believe what has just happened. Then before he know it she's gone, running towards the hall. He quickly scrambles out of the water, running to catch up with her. "Hey Nel don't leave." he almost shouts, scared that she doesn't like him any more, that he's some how done something wrong!

Shanel stops at the very edge of the valley. A small smile plays across her lips. She liked that, she /really/ liked that. As Neliar catches up to her, she reaches up to wrap both arms around his neck. "I have a class." Another quick kiss and then she's off running. Can't be late and she needs to get ride of her idiot grinning before she gets there.

Neliar seems to be rooted to the ground. She /likes/ him, /she really/ does. He just stands there watching her back as she leaves.

StarCraft Courtyard
Where the hills of Gar meet the softer plains of the valley, rock slowly turns to gravel, dust and earth, leaving a large natural courtyard tucked against the walls of the hall. A low wall marks a boundary for the courtyard, rock and earth's battle for domination kept outside of it. Strong doors set in the hill wall, provide a new way to get into the hall, long windows letting light into the otherwise quite dark hall. They look out upon a grassy valley, filled with water, vineyards and herdbeast. Trails formed by the feet of human wind around rocks and trees, trailing off into the wilderness.
It is an autumn midmorning.
Stretched out on the low wall are Venusnv and Nuage.
Kortin, Sage, and Carise are here.

A round, tanned face is covered by thick, auburn locks, each spiral curling into a red-tinted ringlet. Her hair's length only being just below her chin, the curls seem to just float about her face, bouncing slightly in movement. Bright, expressive orbs are found under equally expressive brows, their depths filled with the light blue of the sky, though ringed with the emerald of the leaves. Rosy cheeks are prominent in her clear face, and with as much as Sage smiles, her full, dark pink lips are often not missed along her straight, white teeth. Her long, slender neck eventually leads to a strong back and shoulders, a slim waist and short legs, and finally petite feet. Though ample hips and curvacious areas cover her small form, she promises an even fuller figure as she gets older.
A clean, white tunic hangs lightly off of Sage's back and shoulders, loose, but not so large that it's lost the shape of her body in it. The tunic is stuffed into black pants, which fit snuggly onto her rear and legs before tucking into her boots. The same raven-like color, though it was a bit more worn of one, coats her small boots which have been laced up the leg neatly. Though not exactly what you would call 'girlish clothes', she still somehow manages to seem quite girly in them. Perched on Sage's shoulder is Oregano.
Sage wears the knot of a StarCraft Probationary Apprentice.

Tall, he is, around 6'4. Slightly massive shoulders, as well as arms, top a thick, heavy chest, which tapers down into his rather hefty waist, and then flares back out again to form legs as massive as his upper body. Dark blonde hair is tied haphazardly into a ponytail, and his bangs are left draped down a straight forehead, and stop half an inch above light brows. Oh-so-light blue eyes are deep, and a long scar resides below the left one; his nose is bent to an unnatural angle, it would seem from being broken in the past. His lips? Thin. All in all, it's rather out of proportion with itself.
A dark blue tunic drapes down his chest and stomach and down to his wrists on both arms. Some white embroidery travels along the outer side of the arms, twining up to his shoulders. The tunic is tucked into a black belt with a deep brown buckle. A worn pair of black trous picks up where the tunic lets off. They fall overtop a pair of worn brown boots where the foot is all that's visible.
Kortin wears a double corded knot of red and silver, forming a single loop and leaving a long tail; signifying him as a StarCraft Journeyman

Dark hair falls lightly down her back, deep brown waves reaching to her waist. Icy blue eyes are surrounded by thick black lashes while thin brows arch across her high forehead. A small nose still has shadows of freckles spotting her face, remnants of her early years, while rosy pink dyes well-formed lips. She isn't extremely tall, but not short either, having reached a normal height. Her figure has finally filled out, curves flowing along her still thin, though not frail, body. Small yet well-toned muscles move under skin tanned by the Istan Sun, she's plenty able to take care of herself. A bit of a rushed appearance surrounds her, her work as a Journeywoman never seeming to end.
She wears a simple yet elegant skirt, the blue material falling lightly to touch the ground, its sleekness forming into waves around her legs. A loose sky blue tunic, long sleeves hiding her hands and disguising her figure. Occasionally, lightweight brown sandals peek out from under the long skirt while beaded bracelets jingle, obscured by her sleeves. Perched on Carise's shoulder is Talyn. Perched on Carise's shoulder is Crais.
Carise is wearing a thin Silver Ring. This Silver ring has a beautifull Saphire centered on it, it also has a design painted around the outside that you can't quite follow with your eyes, or else, you wind up with a splitting headache.
Carise wears the knot of a StarCraft Journeywoman.

Large and curious hazel eyes, usually greenish in colour, change depending on Kezzra's surroundings, reaching new depths of blues, browns, and greens to match her clothing or the weather as they flit around the room, picking up every detail. An indistinct nose then leads to thin, tender lips that break clear of Kezzra's lightly tanned skin with their pink tinge. Falling straight about her face, hair then tumbles into curls, eventually ending over her shoulders. The sort of brown that catches shining red highlights from any source of light, and can never be replicated by dye, the silky mass is enough to catch the attention of many. All together a radiant glow seems to diffuse from Kezzra's face, something in-descript that adds an extra sense glow to her visage. Petite in shape and height by nature, Kezzra is a slender girl, standing not quite five feet tall, with soft curves flowing throughout her body.
Pale blue with white accents would describe this dress in simple perfection, except for the fact that it's not all that plain and simple. The bodice of the dress is tight, sleeves start as they are just about to slip off the shoulders and the square neck line dips down, but not too far, just enough so that there is just the beginnings of something to be seen. Sleeves too are tight until reaching just above the elbow where a delicate piece of dainty white lace is inserted between two pieces of the smooth blue material of the dress. After this insert the sleeve become gradually looser, the fabric folding softly across the arm till reaching the wrist and finally ends in another band of delicate white lace. Tiny, white, rounded shell buttons secure the back, shimmering with an iridescent glow. Skirt cascades down from a white sash that encircles the waist, like a crystalline waterfall, ending just before it brushes the ground. Small white flowers twine along a pale green vine embroidered around the hem of the skirt.
The band she wears on her finger is silver and has slivers of amythest laid into it as intricate gold inlays trace across the band in the pattern of vines. Sapphire flecks are laid in the silver, nestled against the vine to resemble leaves. Opal specks dot the ring, proving to be the many colored coronas of the amethyst petaled flowers that gently flow acrost the vine.

Tall and thin, he stands at a height of maybe 5' 10. He's firm and mildly muscular, with skin a dusky, tan color from the hot Southern sun. Dark brown locks of hair, that's almost lank, hangs down just past his eartips. A few faded highlights remain, a testament to his days outdoors. Two locks of his hair, near his face, constantly fall out of place into his eyes and he is often seen brushing them away unconsciously. He seems friendly enough, wearing a bright grin, but it could just be he's gone insane. A long nose runs down his face, slightly crokked from being broken once. Deep hazel eyes are beneath thick, dark brows that are set on either side of his long nose. His eyes have a twinkle in them. Insanity? Mischief? Or anger?
A long forest green vest, made of a suede wherhide, hangs from his shoulders; the ends of it embroidered with a knot design. Under the vest is a loose, long-sleeved, white shirt of a thin, soft fabric. The two top buttons of the shirt are always undone to let a little breeze through, cooling him off in the summer heat. The ends of the vest are sometimes tucked into a thick brown belt; plain, but durable. Attatched to the belt it a black pouch, containing his most precious belongings. The belt holds up a pair of deep brown, almost black, wherhide pants. They're tucked into his old, brown, calf high boots, hanging over the edge a little giving a poofy appearance.
Kazandar wears the knot of a StarCraft Journeyman.

At 5'10 he is fairly average in height, but the thing that makes him stick out is his broad shoulders and muscular body. His white/blond hair covers his head and is cut, quiet short, but also it covers his body, giving his arms and legs a silver effect in sunlight. His deep forest green eyes, usually stare out of his face, a stunning gaze. Iyanden has a strong jawline but his face is thin, he is handsome but more in a dashing, knight in shining armour way, than delicate beauty. His skin is bronze and has been contributed too by the hours of hard Istan field labour that has given him his muscular body. His long legs look flexible whilst his stomach is flat and trim.
A pair of long trousers, held in at the anckles, over bare feet. His upper body is exposed and this is normally what he wears for bed but it is excepable to lounge around the Vault in. His broad shoulders are exposed and a little pendant is exposed where normally it isn't, a little heartshaped shell. His arms and body are tanned to a bronze colour and it is contrasted by the white trousers and blond/white hair.
A knot of double cord, one red, one silver with a single loop. Hangs from where-ever is convenient, He is an agent of the dreaded Starcraft at the level of Apprentice.

Sage prances into the Courtyard, short curls all a'bounce. A certain mischevious look is about her face, but as she sees people, it dissipates into a certain sweetness. Sage is innocent. Yep. So that sweet and innocent smile plasters onto her face and she nods in a friendly way all around, "Hello..." She drawls the word out quite long, eyes darting to each person. She wasn't up to anything, but what about you? Or you?

Kortin is leaned against the rocks on the far side of the courtyard, a book in his hands, his head bent and clearly he is reading. Occasionally he looks up and scans the courtyard, but his intentions are clearly to read.
A rather wet Neliar comes squelching in from the direction of the lake. He looks rather surprised to see some many faces in the courtyard, rather hoping he could get back to the dorms without being noticed. "Erm Hello." is muttered to everyone present.

Carise slips into the courtyard, hair dangling around her face somewhat damp as the towel's thrown around her shoulders. Pausing near the wall, she blinks, looking at everyone. Right... A shake of her head and she just plops down on the wall. She's going to sit there until she finds out what's going on.

Sage looks at Neliar, the one who responded. Wet. Yuck. "You're all wet." Man Sage is smart! Don't you think so? She looks back as someone else enters the Courtyard and frowns. 3 Journeyman all together- is that a good thing? The probbie eyes each warily, still not use to the way everything works in a craft. Sniffing she turns back to Neliar, "Why're you wet?"

Kazandar is out of his room again! Prowl, prowl. Oh, wait...He's old. Old folks don't prowl, they limp and stumble around. So he'll just hobble over to the wall and sit down. Ugh. Old bones a creakin'. "Hey-loo..."

Neliar sniffs and brushes a lock of wet hair out of his face. He gives a rather sweet smile at the girl. " fell into the lake." but he can't help himself blushing. Noticing Carise he quickly says hello to divert the attention away from him.

Kortin licks his lips as he slowly amasses his strength to pick himself from his seat against the stone; closing his book as he does so. Pulling himself to his feet, Kortin tucks the book under his arm and begins to walk the legnth of the rocky wall, running his near hand over the rocks.

Carise kicks her feet as she sits at the end of the rock wall, giggling softly as she shakes her head. A glance at Neliar and she blinks. "You fell in?" Now, that's just silly. But ofcourse, lots of Journeymen all together is a good thing.

Kezzra wanders out of the hall, arms more than full. "Morning Rees." she greets spotting her friend first, "Mind taking one of these two?" she asks mentioning Kentinn and Jonah as Rasha tags along behind. Hmm... Twin boys on the verge on learning to crawl and a three turn old girl. Yes yes. Lots of fun.

Sage is not that easily diverted, "Fell? Or pushed?" She woulda pushed if given the chance, but Sage is just that kinda naughty little girl- all in good fun, though, right? Eyes dart to Kortin- uh oh, Journeyman on the move. But her attention is drawn to the entering Kazandar and she smiles. Ooo, she meners him. "Hello." Eyes fall on the children and she becomes even more wary. Kids can be worse than Journeyman. Sage just likes little babies that don't do anything but smile. Yepyep.

Kazandar narrows his eyes at Neliar, "What were you doign, that you fell in the lake?" Or maybe, you don't want to know. He nods at Carise. That /is/ silly. He's never fallen in. The J-man grins at Sage, "Oh, hello. Setled in?" He asks her, as he realizes who she is. Kezzra's b-kids are just..eyed.

Neliar takes a seat on the wall, absent mindedly wringing water out of his tunic. Sage earns herself a grin as he flicks water over in her direction. "I said I fell in." said with more conviction this time, feeling like he needs to defend himself. "I wasn't watching where I was going." Hey I bet other people have fell in before! He looks over at the kids and hopes they are /nice/ not like the other twins.

Kortin moves slowly in the direction of the wet one, though he doesn't seem to notice, since his book is open in one hand again and he's reading it as he moves along the rock wall.

Carise shakes her head, reaching her arms out. "Not at all..." As long as they are hungry or stinky or anything like that. Because then they can go right back to Kezzra. Shifting slightly, Kortin is eyed, as is Kazzie and the other apprentice. She's being surrounded. A glance to Neliar and she blinks. "How could you not know that the lake was right there?"

"You fell in the lake?" Kezzra seems to echo the inquery of everyother Journeyman in the vacinity. "Don't think even Etain's done that one." she comments to no one in particular. Kentinn is handed over to Carise, Jonah repositioned in his mother's arms and Rasha... well she's on her own. The young girl bounces over to Kazandar. "I's kin count dis many." she states holding up a hand to him. "Wanna see?"

Kazandar eyes Neliar suspiciosuly, but his onyl comment is, "You need to pay more attention to whee you're going." Or who you're with. Kaz grins at Reese. We're suurrounding you. Coming to get you. Boo. Ahem. "No, I don't think Etain has...I don't think most people ha-" He cut off short at the little girl bounces up to him, "Uh, sure..."

Sage snickers at Neliar, but grins back. "Did anyone see ya? I betcha you were embarassed, huh?" Just like Sage to rub stuff in. No evil intentions yet, promise. Sage glances toward the kids. She cab count more. So there.

Neliar looks over at Carise, he's never been very good at lying. "I was kinda distracted..and no no-one saw me!" not wanting to elaborate further. Hoping they'll leave it alone. So he's rather clumsy, so what! a lot of people are. "I'll pay more attention the next time, that's for sure." Kortin is given a sidelong glance as he realises the Jman is getting closer.

Kortin looks up just a moment and realizes his path will eventually lead him into a verbal melee, just what he doesn't want right now. He shifts his direction just enough to miss the congregation by a good distance and he offers up a nod before returning to reading and walking.

"Un.. two.." Rasha counts, one finger going up with each number said. "Free.. Four..." she looks to Kezzra for confermation, to which Kezzra just nods. "Five!" the girl beams, clapping for herself. Kezzra glances over in the direction for Neliar and Kortin. "I think Korry's going to be then next one in the lake." she giggles to Carise.

Carise giggles, Kentinn settled in her arms as she shifts position on the end of the wall. A glance at 'Asha and she giggles. "She knows more then some of these Appies, too, Kaz." A giggle and she tickles the boy in her arms a bit, wrinkling up her nose afterwards. A glance at Neliar, and she narrows her eyes. "Which lake did you fall in?" While waiting for an answer, she lets her gaze snap to Kortin, nodding idly to Kezzra.

Sage eyes Kortin, then lets her attention be taken by the counting child. Alright, she cute, she mad Sage smile. Stupid kids. At Kezzra's comment, she snickers once again, smirking toward the reading on. "Crystal?" Sage guesses an answer to Carise's question with a smirk and a raised brow. Fallin into woulda been fun to see.

Neliar shrugs at Carise. "the crystal lake." he often walks along that way when he needs to think. The rather cute little girl is given a smile as she counts to 5, sweet. He glares at Sage again, she seems to be rather enjoying his discomfort!

Kazandar smiles and claps at the girl, "Next you'll be counting al lthe way to /ten/. In fact, the next number after five is six. So not you can count to six." How thrilling. Kaz snorts, grining at Reese, "You're probably right." Which is sad, but amusing. "Ah...I thought it was the StarCraft lake. I've heard of peopel 'falling' in Crystal Lake before..."

"Six." Rasha repeats Kazander, who happens to be her new best friend for this information. "She didn't interupt your lesson the other day. Did she Carise?" Kezzra asks. "She saw you in there and had to see 'Eese'."

Kortin curves his path slowly to bring him around the group and return him to his previos path.

Carise giggles softly, lifting her gaze to glance at Kezz. "Nope, not at all... I think she's helped out almost." A shrug and she glances at Neliar. "Did you fall off the bridge or something? You know... Our lake's safer. There isn't a lake monster in our lake."

Of course Sage is enjoying it. It's easy to enjoy. Look, Sage can glare, too. But it's a teasing one, sent right back Neliar's way. She then turns her head to Kazandar, curls bouncing, "StarCraft lake? Where's that?" She then ohhs and remembers his earlier question, "Yes, I'm settled, but haven't been around outside except to Gar and around there." She then looks to Kortin, "What's he reading?" she asks of the others, figuring he wouldn't hear her. Then, "Lake Monster?"

Neliar shakes the last of the water out of his hair, wetting the people sitting closest to him. He looks over at Carise, one eyebrow raised. "Lake monster?" he never heard of a /lake/ monster! He kinda gets the feeling he's having his leg pulled. There's a good reason why he goes to crystal lake there's less people around just how he likes it.

Kezzra nods. "Monster." Thanks to those stories Rasha doesn't want to go swimming every time they pass Crystal Lake. StarCraft Lake is another story all together. "Who was it that saw it? I think Natch has seen it. Not sure who else."

Kazandar glances aroudn secretivly, like he knows somethign everyoen else doesn and leans down towards Rasha. "And after six, is seven..." He holds up seven fingers for her before sitting up again. "Ah, yes...StarCraft lake of over there and somesuch.." The J-man waves in the direction of the field and nods solomly at CArise, "Oh yes..The lake monster. Tragic, that."

Carise glances at the others, blinking at Kezz. "I saw it too!" And it wasn't even after Natch and Reese had too much to drink. "Its really big, and if you go swimming there, it might grab you." Shrugging she grins, blinking at Kazzie, with a shake of her head. Gaze going back to Kortin she shakes her head. "I have no idea..." That of course, was an answer for Sage.

Sage frowns at the news of a Lake Monster. "What's it look like?" She didn't like the idea of a monster, but then again...part of her would. "Will it eat you? Or drown you? Crush you?" Just a few possible may not like to eat people after all.

Iyanden wanders elegantly in from the Hold Field.

Neliar looks from one person to another as they all seem to verify Carise's tale of the lake monster. A slight shiver runs down his spine due to the cold or to the tale, who knows! "Well I've never seen it and I go they quite often."

Rasha makes an attempt at climbing up next to Kazandar. Maybe he'll tell her more. Not that she'll remember it for very long, well.. she might. Know what? Kazzie gets to be a Rasha chair. Beam. "Seven. What next?" she asks, chocolate eye peering up at him. "I've heard of people going to that lake to swim and not being seen again." Kezzra adds her input to the story.

Iyanden wanders in with his usual shirtless shoeless figure and walks over to Neliar to pat him on the shoulder. "Hey Nel, whats up."

Carise shrugs lightly. "It usually comes out at dusk... But it doesn't like lots of people around, so it hides on the bottom of the lake, then." A glance at Sage, and she blinks. "Well, its really big, with a bunch of arms that wrap you up in it. I suppose it drowns you then eats you, or something. Since people who disappear aren't seen again... in any form."

Kazandar oofs as he ends up a chair again. It seems to be one of his functions, beign a chair. "Eaight," he responds, holding up nine fingers. "oops," he grrisn sheepishly and holds up eight fingers. "I mean, eight. This." The J-man nods at Kezz, "Yes. I /knew/ one of them..It's almost sad." Grin. "A good way to get rid of pesky apprentaces, though." He's old and innocent. Shush.

Kortin closes his book suddenly and rather loudly and he scratches his head, messing up his hair even more before stepping into the hall.
Kortin strolls to the StarCraft Hall.

Sage looks up as someone enters and offers a smiling nod before gaping at Carise in disbelief, "Nuh-uh...That an't be true." She then frowns at Kazandar, "No it's not." Well, it was. But it shouldn't be. No way. She watches Kortin leave and mess up his hair before, "How come no one's killing it?"

Neliar smiles at his friend "Hi Iyan." A quick glance is shot at Kazandar, hoping he's kidding! Appies aren't /that/ bad. He grins at Carise, "ok that's the last time I go swimming in /that/ lake." It wasn't even as if he was expecting to go swimming today.

Carise shifts the child in her arms as she tucks a bit of hair behind her ear, with a look at Sage. "Would you like to be the one to go in the lake with it and find out how to get rid of it?" Raising an eyebrow she watches her, shaking her head. "Good punishment, yes..."

Well if Kazzie is old Kezz must be old too. Huh. And of course she's innocent. Nope. They never did anything they shouldn't have. "Which was that Kazzie?" she asks, "Was it that appie who didn't believe us, what was his name..." "Et." Rasha nods, holding up eight pretty little fingers.

Kazandar nods at Sage. "Yes it is." Gasp. "Killing it? I'd like to see you /try/ and kill it. You'd end up liek everone else." Gone. Munch. Kaz smiles at Nel. Of course he's kidding..ahem...Sure. "Rigdel? Ronald? Robish?" He shrugs at Kezzra, "I can't remember...It's this old mind of mine." Poor him. Grinning, he nods at Rasha, "Yes...Eight."

Sage frowns again, "Can't we like...drain the lake? And then it'll be helpless and we can ... kill it?" Sage has a weird mind, see, and so you can drain a lake by using buckets. Really, you can. Ahem. "Does it have any kids?"

Kezzra giggles. "Yeah. That old mind of yours." she teases. "Well at least you can count to eight dear." She's just so nice to her fellow Journeyman/RiinaMentee.

Neliar shivers again as a slight breeze blows, pressing damp cloth against his skin. At least he's almost dry now! He grins at the talk of killing the lake monster, he's still not convinced that it exists, he grins at Sage's suggestion. "Yeah you could ge tthe probbies to do it...."

Carise blinks, shakign her head. "Drain it to where? And I dunno... we can always through someone in to find out." Standing up, she moves over towards Kezz, holding out Kentinn with a grin. "I'm going to go put some different clothes on. And finish drying my hair out." And avoid anymore questions about the Lake Monster.
Carise walks to the StarCraft Hall.

Iyanden walks out from the hold again this time not in a rush. "Hey Neliar whats this I heard about you and Sh..... oh doesn't matter," he looks at the damp clothes. "Hey why are you wet?"

Sage makes a face at Neliar and sticks out her tongue childishly. She won't be a Probbie forever. Hopefully. "We can throw him in." She jerks a thumb at Neliar and then looks at Iyanden, "Who's Sh?" She raises a brow with a smirk, and eyes both of them.

Neliar throws a warning look over at his friend that says "shut up" Sage gets another of his more evil looks. "No oe you;d know" come the quick reply to Sage's question.

Iyanden smiles and nearly giggles. "Iam not saying a word, so for now Sh is shhhh" placing his finger on his lips to indicate silence on the matter. "So why are you damp then Nely boy?"

Kazandar can cound to /nine/! And he shows Rasha how to, too. "Nine." Isn't he smart? "You know," he drawls, "I'm happy with the monster where it is. It disposes of appies and I don't swim anyway." Joy.

Neliar grins over at his friend. "I fell into the crystal lake!" Yet another shiver racks his body telling him it's time to go and get warm again. "I'll catch up with you later." directed at Iyan. He gets up and walks into the Hall, in search of dry clothes.

Sunday, August 19, 2001, 4:15 PM

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