Neliar's Character Page
Neliar and Iyan have a chat.

Neliar - Monday, August 27, 2001, 6:15 PM

Iyanden wanders out the dorms, a yawn, a sigh and he is awake. "Hey Nellie."

Neliar puts his hide down and smiles at Iyan. "Hello, that's up?" wanting to catch up on any gossip.

Iyanden smiles and walks over to the seat next to Neliar. "Oh ive been sleeping for the most part."

Right on cue Neliar yawns and rubs his sleepy eyes. "I know the feeling, I think I've been doing to many all nighters." he should really learn when to go to bed.

Iyanden chuckles at his friend and stands to water his plants. "So you and Shannie been upto your usual tricks?"

Neliar looks the picture of innocence. "i don't know what you mean." said with a perfectly straight face.

Iyanden waters Tomato plant
Iyanden waters Sweet Root plant
Iyanden waters Strawberry bush

Iyanden finishes watering and takes a sideways glance at Neliar. "Oh nothing fare enough, shes probably been chasing me all the time." He gives a sly wink.

Neliar slaps his friend on the head, "You'd never get a girl like she, she's too nice for you." grinning to show he's only teasing.

Iyanden chuckles a little and juts lets him, hit him. Nothing he hasn't had before. "Well I don't know about that but i am sure I would like to try."

Neliar growls at his friend. "Don't even try it! Not that she'd cheat on me with the likes of you. She's got your number." chuckling, "Remember girls talk to each other!" Not that he thinks his friend would chase after Nel.

Iyanden looks down at the ground. "Thats the only problem, hey I still ain't seen the Laurel. Where can she have got to?" He looks over at the enterance to the female dorms like she might appear at any moment, well at least in Iyanden's dreams.

Neliar smiles at his friend, he really does wish that Iyan would settle down with /one/ girl. "I've not seen her around for days either." He realises that he doesn't feel jealous any more when Iyan talks about Laurel. In fact all he can think about is Shanel and he finds that is gaze is also drawn to the female dorms.

Iyanden smiles again. "I wish I could see her then I might settle for just her, if she will have me!" He looks a little unsure on that bit.

Neliar hms, he's never really talked to Laurel about Iyan apart from asking about that day by the lake. "Hey don't talk like that, I'm sure loads of women would want a guy like you!" trying to cheer his friend up.

Iyanden smiles and pats Neliar across the back. "Thanks buddy but maybe not Laurel, she seems.....magical." With that he grins and looks a little scary. "Anyway have you talked to her? reckon she does like me?"

Neliar pats the other lad back. "I'm sorry but I've never really talked to her about you, the last time I saw her I was class about 2 sevendays ago." That's a long time when your our age, a lot can happen. "You'll just have to talk to her and see how she feels, if you're lucky she'll like you as well."

Iyanden bites his lower lip and looks over at the dorms again. "Maybe I could just peek>"

Neliar shakes his head, "If a Jman catches you, you'll be in /big/ trouble." they really frown upon that sorta thing.

Iyanden shakes his head and almost sobs. "I just want to see her thats all, i am starting to think I remember her face wrong or something and that the women in my dreams isn't her." He looks a little starry eyed.

Neliar walks over and hugs his friend, remembering all too well how it feels to like someone when they don't like you back. "Hey I'm sure you'll see her soon, you know what us appies are like, a million things to do at once. You'll see her around soon I'm sure." He's slightly worried out Iyan now.

Iyanden takes one last stare at the doors then stands, knocking the hug away but not in a horrible way. "Lets g oswimming."

Neliar smiles at Iyan. "That sound like a great idea. I'll just go and get a towel." He's made plenty of trips back to the Hall in wet clothes and he's getting sick of the cold.

Iyanden nods and grabs his own. "Come on then Nellie."

Fade to Koi Pond

Koi Pond
The dirt path worn smooth by the passage of many feet weaves in and out of tall, shady trees before coming to an abrupt halt at the edge of a sheer cliff. The steep rock face falls nearly a dragonslength before disappearing below the surface of the small pond tucked at its base where it continues down, making it safe for the daring of heart to attempt the jump. Trees line the cliff top, which dips and rises to offer views from various heights, and several ropeshave been tied to high branches for any who want to swing out over the sparkling water. A narrow path leads down one side of the cliff to a small rocky beach, and the opposite hillside boasts what could be a smooth, steep path, save that it leads directly to a drop-off several feet above the water. Above the path is a bucket attached to a convenient tree by a pulley - all the necessary ingredients of a mud-slide. The wind often whistles through the small valley formed by the hillside and cliff-face to join the laughter of the pond's visitors in ringing across the water's surface.
It is an autumn midmorning.
Hidden in a tree is Rikan.
Iyanden is here.

Iyanden wanders out onto the grass his bare feet letting the grass flow between them. He breaths in the air and takes a silent glance at where he and Laurel had sat.

Neliar quickly strips down to his undergarments before taken a running leap into the pond. *SPLASH*

Iyanden takes his time as he puts his towel down and then just jumps in. Splash, glug, splutter. "This is nice at least."

Neliar shivers slightly in the cold water, not too cold but enough to encourage him to swim about. "Yeah, I love coming here." eyes unfocusing as he remembers time spent here. "The last time I was here the girls tried to run off with my clothes." he adds giggling at the memory.

Iyanden bursts out laughing. "Oh you are a fool sometimes Nellie." He takes a few dives and eventually drowns his laughter. "You are so silly!"

Espero glides in from the StarCraft Courtyard.

Neliar drops under the water laughing so much, when he resurfaces he spits out a mouthful of water. Yuck! "I know, I shouldn't trust them should I?" that's him though trusting Neli. Still he didn't expect them to try and run off with his clothes.

Iyanden laughs a little and does a few widths of the pond. "I know you shouldn't but I would trust Laurel not too, can you trust Shanel not to do that to you?"

Neliar grins, "erm, no it was her who picked them up." he can't help but grin at the memory of it. "Not that I minded too much, but it was rather cold on the way back home!"

Iyanden laughs a few times. "She probably just wanted to see you naked before she made any desisions." Another sly wink.

Neliar looks offened. "i had my underclothes on!" he would not want to subject Shanel to /that/ sight just yet!

Iyanden chuckles. "I would show her if I were you, i am sure she would be impressed?"

Neliar grins at Iyan. "I'm not sure I'm quite ready for that, she is my /first/ girlfriend you know!" He's not confident with women like Iyan is, so he's quite happy just to take things slowly for now. He hopes she'd be impressed but he's not too sure.

Iyanden isn't confident he is just too stupid to stop. "Well whatever Nellie you go at your own pace, I am gonna take it so slow with laurel. Makes a difference from my usual techniques."

Neliar smiles at Iyan. "I kinda get the impression from Laurel that she's not had /too/ many boyfriends so slow is probably best." At least if Iyan doesn't want to scare her away.

Iyanden definately doesnot want that. "I will have to go be real slow then and dead romantic!"

Neliar smiles. "I'm sure that will work with Laurel, that's what she needs someone to show an interest in her." Yes that'll probably get him his girl.

Iyanden smiles and dives again. "She is worth it though and we both were giving each other a good look over last time we were here." He points to the spot were they sat on the bank of the pond.

Neliar follows Iyan's finger looking at the stop, "Hey that's where I left my clothes." Isn't that strange. "I've gto some great memories fromthis place." Hey maybe you should invite Laurel down and I'll ask Shanel." Yeah that could be fun!

Iyanden nods. "Good idea if I ever see Laurel again!"

Neliar swims over to the egde of the pond and gets out, he's skin slightly blue. He quickly grabs his towel and begins drying himself. "I'm sure you'll see her soon." After all the Hall isn't that bigger place, she can't hide forever.

Iyanden dives under one last time and follows. "Suppose so but I wish she would hurry up!"

The now dry Neliar shrugws his clothes back on quickly his skin still tingling from the rather brisk rbbbing it just recieved. "Oh shards, I forgot I'm supposed to be cleaning the vault today." This thought makes him hurry back to the hall. "Catch you later." he calls as he's running away.